Abdullah Hussain Haroon

Member Board of Advisers
BORN : 21 October 1950
EDUCATION : Karachi Grammar School Karachi University
ACTIVITIES : Business, Politics, Social Welfare Work, National/Provincial Sports, Education and Diplomacy.
1970 : ELECTION COORDINATOR, Saeed Abdoola Haroon (Muslim League) for Pakistan National Assembly.
1974 : TREASURER, Sir Abdullah Haroon Association (1976-1986).
1975 : SPONSOR, Free Eye Camp in Karachi.
MUTAWALLI, Haji Sir Abdoola Haroon Wakf No. 1 and Wakf No. 2.
1976 : PATRON, Karachi Sports Club.
1977 : CHIEF ORGANIZER, For Saeed Abdoola Haroon (Pakistan National Alliance) for Pakistan National Assembly.
CANDIDATE, Provincial Assembly Sindh (Election Postponed).
CONVENER, Lyari Social Workers Conference.
1979 : SECRETARY, Sindh Football Association (1979-1980).
CHIEF ORGANIZER, 27th Pakistan National Football Championships.
MEMBER, Sindh Sports Board.
COUNCILLOR, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) (1979-1983).
PARTY LEADER, Independent Group (KMC) (1979-1983).
1980 : CHAIRMAN, Finance Committee (KMC) (1979-1981).
SECRETARY GENERAL, Pakistan Football Federation.
TRUSTEE, Karachi Port Trust (KPT) (1980-1982).
MEMBER, Establishment Committee (KPT).
MEMBER, Estate Committee (KPT).
VICE PRESIDENT, Memon Jamaat (Social Welfare Work) (1980-1982).
1981 : CONVENER, Finance & Budget Control Committee (KPT).
BOARD MEMBER, Lady Dufferin Hospital (1981-1982).
MEMBER, District Karachi Crime Committee (1981-1984).
CHIEF ORGANIZER, 29 Pakistan National Football Championship.
MEMBER COMMITTEE, Sindh Literature Seminar.
CHAIRMAN, Panchayat Court U.C. 35 (1981-1988).
MEMBER, Federal Council of Pakistan (1981-1985).
MANAGING DIRECTOR, Eastern Film Studios (Pvt.) Ltd. (1981- ).
1982 : MEMBER BOARD OF GOVERNORS, World Wildlife Fund Pakistan (1984-1985).
MEMBER FINANCE COMMITTEE, Federal Council (1982-1985).
MEMBER, Federal Advisory Council for Finance (1982-1989).
MEMBER, Pakistan Fisheries Board (1982-1985).
MEMBER AMENDMENTS COMMITTEE, For Draft Order Law of Ombudsman.
DELEGATE, Federal Council of Pakistan to the U.S.A. Congress.
1983 : CHAIRMAN, Pakistan Ports Tariff & Economic Viability Committee (1983-1985).
CHAIRMAN, Sindh Football Association (1983-1985).
DIRECTOR, Haroon Oils Ltd. (1983-1986).
DIRECTOR, Allied Engineering Ltd. (1983-1988).
COUNCILLOR, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (1983-1985).
LEADER OF OPPOSITION, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (1983-1985).
CANDIDATE, For Mayor of Karachi (KMC).
1984 : SR. VICE PRESIDENT, Pakistan Football Federation (1984-1986).
LEADER, Pakistan Delegation to FIFA 80th World Conference, Zurich.
MEMBER, Board of Governors Karachi Development Authority (KDA) (1984-1985).
CHAIRMAN, Finance & Budget Committee (KDA).
DIRECTOR, Herald Insurance Co. (1984-1985).
MEMBER, Claims Committee (KDA).
MEMBER, Amenities Committee (KDA).
1985 : MEMBER, Provincial Assembly Sindh (1985-1988).
CHAIRMAN FINANCE COMMITTEE, Provincial Assembly Sindh.
CHAIRMAN, Rules & Procedure Committee, Provincial Assembly of Sindh.
SPEAKER, Provincial Assembly of Sindh (1985-1986).
1986 : LEADER OF OPPOSITION, Sindh Provincial Assembly (1986-1988).
CHAIRMAN OF BOARD, Saeed Haroon School.
1987 : GENERAL SECRETARY, Sir Abdullah Haroon Association (Charitable) (1986- ).
DIRECTOR, Haroon Oils Ltd. (1987-1990).
1988 : CANDIDATE, For Provincial Assembly Sindh.
CONSULTANT, Pakistan Herald Publication (1988-1989).
MEMBER, Karachi Aesthetic Control Committee KDA (1988-1989).
1989 : DIRECTOR, Continental Biscuits Ltd. (1988-1992).
MEMBER, Board of Governors Wildlife Nature Fund Pakistan (1989-1994).
MEMBER, Managing Committee Sindh Club (1989-2004).
1991 : MEMBER COUNCIL, Sindh Golf Association (1991-1998).
MEMBER, Managing Committee Karachi Golf Club (1991-1998).
VICE PRESIDENT, Karachi Golf Club (1991-1998).
MEMBER GEN. COUNCIL, Pakistan Golf Federation (1991-1999).
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, Pakistan Golf Federation (1991-1999).
1992 : DELEGATE, Washington Congress of English Speaking Union of U.S.A.
LEADER DELEGATE, World Amateur Golf Council, Vancouver.
1993 : MEMBER, Executive Board English Speaking Union of Pakistan (1993-1998).
1995 : FOUNDER PRESIDENT, Professional Golf Association Pakistan (1995-1999).
MEMBER, International Order of follow Ship (U.K.) (1995).
RECIPIENT, World Lifetime Achievement Award (A.B.I.) (1995).
DEPUTY GOVERNOR, American Biographical Institute (A.B.I.) (1995- ).
MANAGING DIRECTOR, Bahria Dredging Co. Ltd. (1995-1997).
MEMBER BOARD OF GOVERNORS, Children’s Museum (1995- ).
VICE PRESIDENT, Asia Pacific Golf Council (1995-1997).
NOMINATOR, Ramon Magsaysay Award (Philippines) (1995-1996).
1996 : MEMBER, Pakistan Environmental Protection Council (1996-1997).
MEMBER, Provincial Organizing Committee, Pakistan Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
MEMBER BOARD OF GOVERNORS, Institute of Business Administration (I.B.A.)Karachi University (1996-1999).
MEMBER, Fund Raising Committee (I.B.A.)
PRESIDENT, Sindh Club (1996-1998).
LEADER DELEGATE, World Amateur Golf Council Manila.
1997 : DIRECTOR, Board of Directors (KESC) Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (1997-1999).
MEMBER, Finance Committee (KESC).
PRESIDENT, Asia Pacific Golf Confederation (1997-1999).
TRUSTEE, Haji Sir Abdoola Haroon Charitable Trust (1997- ).
1998 : VICE PRESIDENT, English Speaking Union of Pakistan (1998- ).
PRESIDENT GOLF, Arabian Sea Country Club (1998- ).
LEADER DELEGATE, World Amateur Golf Council Santiago.
MEMBER ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE, World Amateur Golf Council (1998-2000).
1999 : MEMBER, Jinnah Society (1999- ).
MEMBER BOARD OF GOVERNORS, Institute of Business Administration (I.B.A.), Karachi University (1999-2002).
CHAIRMAN, Griffith College Karachi (1999-2005).
PRESIDENT, Pakistan-China Business Forum (1999-2004).
2000 : CHAIRMAN, World Korean Motors (2000-2001).
CHAIRMAN, Muslim Gymkhana (2000- ).
MEMBER, Board of Governors, Khatoon-e-Pakistan School (2000- ).
VICE PRESIDENT, Karachi Golf Club (2000-2001).
MEMBER, Management Committee Karachi Golf Club (2001-2002).
MAN OF MILLENNIUM AWARD, American Biographical Institute (USA).
MEMBER, Managing Committee Karachi Golf Club (2000-2002).
2001 : VICE PRESIDENT, Karachi Golf Club (2001-2002).
CHAIRMAN, Greens Committee Karachi Golf Club (2001-2002).
VICE PRESIDENT, Sindh Club (2001-2002).
TRUSTEE, Centenary Education Trust, (2001-2002).
2002 : PRESIDENT, Sindh Club (2002-2004).
CHAIRMAN, Building Award Competition Committee, Karachi Building Control Authority (2002).
MEMBER, Board of Governors, Institute Business Administration (2002-2005).
MEMBER, Managing Committee Pakistan Red Crescent Society Sindh (2002- 2005 ).
2003 : MEMBER, Jinnah Foundation, (2003- Present).
2004 : PRESIDENT, English Speaking Union of Pakistan (2004-2007).
VICE PRESIDENT, Karachi Golf Club (2004-2006).
2005 : DIRECTOR, Health Care Solutions Int. (2005- 2007).
2006 : CHAIRMAN, Seminar on Social Economical Survival of Rural Sindh (By Action Aid).
MEMBER, Managing Committee Sindh Club (2006- 2009).
2007 : CHAIRMAN, Karachi Makami Sahili Tehreek (2007- 2009).
LIFE MEMBER, The Organization for the Welfare of Special Persons (OWSP) (2007- )
PATRON IN CHIEF, The Cutchi Memon Markazi Jamaat Karachi (2007- ).
VICE PRESIDENT, Karachi Golf Club (2007-2008).
CHIEF GUEST & KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Sindh World Congress, Washington, DC.
2008 : PATRON –Sindh World Mallah Organization (2008- ).
CHAIRMAN — Tahafuz-e-Pakistan Committee (2008- )
PATRON — Osmania, Madrassah, Batagram (2008- )
PATRON –Youth Earthquake Rehabilitation, Balakot (2008- ).
PRESIDENT — Sindh Goth Lease
MEMBER – International Association of PRs to UN (October 2008 – today)
MEMBER — Advisory Group Council of Presidents of General Assembly
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Army War College
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — New York University
2009: DELEGATE — International Conf. on Afghanistan, The Hague, March 31 2009
DELEGATE — Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) Conference, Havana, Cuba, 27-30 May.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Center on Global Counter-terrorism Cooperation Washington, D.C., May.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — International Workshop on Global Security, Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-28, 2009.
DELEGATE — 15th Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) Summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, July 11-16, 2009.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Alumni Association of Fletcher School of Law & SAIS, Sept. 10, 2009. Entitled: “Pakistan at the Epicenter-The War on Terror”.
CHAIRMAN — Asian Group. October.
ELECTED –Vice President for the 65th UNGA Session
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Windham World Affairs Council, Brattleboro Vermont, November 2009
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Cornell University’s Cornell In stitute for Public Affairs ”Pakistan’s United Nations Reform Agenda” on December 3, 2009. Ithaka, NY
MEMBER — Executive Board UNDP (2009 – 2010)
MEMBER — Executive Board UNEP (2009 – 2010)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER– Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation Washington.
2010: VICE PRESIDENT –UNDP 2010-11
SENIOR VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Islamic Center, 96th Street New York, (2009 – 2010)
ACTING CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Islamic Center, 96th Street New York, (2009 – 2010)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Council on Foreign Relations, New York
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — King Edward Medical College Alumni Association Of John Hopkins University
NOMINATOR — King Badouin Development Prize
HONORARY CHAIR — LRBT,12th Annual Charity Gala, New York
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Yale University “Between Ballots and Bullets”
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs in North America, Reston, VA
SPEAKER — American Bar Association Annual Meeting: “Legal Empowerment of the Poor”, New York
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Council of Pakistan American Affairs, Los Angeles
CHIEF ORGANIZER/PATRON – 1st New York Sufi Festival, held at New York (Union Square, Rubin Museum, United Nations, Asia Society)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Muslim Student Association, Columbia University
HONORARY TRUSTEE– United Nations International School, Board of Trustees 2010-2011
2011: CHAIRMAN – Asian Group, January 2011
KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Pakistan Association of America, Michigan Chapter Dearborn, Michigan
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Harvard Law School – “Talking Peace: Prospect for a Negotiated Settlement in Afghanistan”, Boston, MA
PATRON IN CHIEF – Kachi Community of Karachi and Sindh
SPOKESPERSON – UN Members of OIC for Conference on burning of the Koran
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Sufi Conference, : “Piety, Poetry and Politics: Sufi Muslims in South Asia”, SAIS University, Washington D.C.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Developments in Literacy, Toronto Chapter
PATRON – “50 Years of UN Pakistan Peacekeeping” Exhibition at UN
PATRON – Faiz Festival North America
JUDGE – Ranan Lurie United Nations / UNCA Political Cartoon Award
PATRON – “The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan” The art of Gandhara, Asia Society, New York
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Nadirshaw Edulji Dinshaw University of Engineering Alumni Association of Tri-State International Convention, Parsippany NJ
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Columbia University, South Asia Institute’s Conference on “Democratic Contestations in Bangladesh & Pakistan: Beyond Security”
New York, NY
ELECTED MEMBER – Pakistan’s seat on the Security Council, 2012-2013
HONORARY TRUSTEE– United Nations International School, Board of Trustees 2011-2012
ADVISER – Advisory Board, United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism
HONORARY COMMITTEE MEMBER – Nine Rivers Gala, Rubin Museum.
CO CHAIR – Group of 77. UN Conference on Sustainable Development New York. (2011)
2012: MEMBER – UN Security Council
BOARD MEMBER – Senior Advisory Group to the UN Secretary-General
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – “Indo-Pakistan Relations: An emerging economic Superpower?” –MasterCard/World Affairs Forum sponsored event, Stamford CT
CHAIRMAN – Liberia (1521) Committee UNSC
PRESENTED Report on Liberia to UN Security Council.
PRESENTED– American Flag flown on Capitol Hill by Congressmen Eliot Engels, Meeks and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney in New York.
2013: CONVENOR – “Sindh in 21st Century”
CHAIRMAN – Board of Trustees, Serri Institute
PRESENTED – Citation from US Congress for Services to Pakistan & World Community.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER – “Fulbrights” Scholorship Conference at Karachi.
2014: KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Sindh Conference by Sindh Association of North America at Karachi.
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