Iqrar Ahmad Khan

Member Board of Advisers
Fellow-Pakistan Academy of Sciences Vice Chancellor (Since February 2008) University of Agriculture,Faisalabad (UAF)
Telephone:+ 92 41 9200 200
(work) + 92 300 866 0569 (GSM)
Fax: + 92 41 920 0764
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
- Vice Chancellor: UAF is the largest and the oldest (since 1906) agricultural institution in the subcontinent. As VC-UAF, I have moved the university with a strategic vision to drive the change process. A paradigm shift has taken place in the areas of teaching, research and extension. Agriculture and Rural Development are the key words used for policy planning and implementation segments. UAF is the only Pakistani university ranked among top 100 universities (NtuRanking). Several centres including ICDD (International Centre for Development and Decent Work), Agriculture Policy Centre and center for advanced studies in Food Security have been developed. Launched FM Radio and Cyber Extension Services. The number of degrees offered has been more than doubled and enrolment of women has gone up to 47% in the graduate programs. The number of working women on campus has tripled.
- Professor of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (May 1995 to present): Released a potato variety, established seedless Kinnow breeding program and created an academic framework for biotechnology education.
- Deputation to the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat (September 1997 to December 2005, September 2007 to February 2008): In Oman (similar to Balochistan), I was able to initiate national and international programs with impact; and as Chief Scientist/DG, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad (December 2005 to August 2007): I created project based performance system for four agriculture centres of the commission across the country.
- Associate Professor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (May 1990 to May 1995): Researched citrus, mango and potato crops. Organized two major international conferences (one sponsored by UNESCO) and founded Centre for Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Extramural funding included a world bank funded program and an equipment grant from JICA. An outreach program was launched entitled ‘Pilot Area Real Life Project’. Biannual farm festivals and field workshops were organized in different parts of the country.
- Assistant Professor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (November 1988 to May 1990): Designed new curriculum in tissue culture, molecular biology and biotechnology. Founded citrus nursery certification program.
- Research Assistant, University of California, Riverside (March 1983 to November 1988): Earned MS, PhD and a Postdoctoral Fellowship. Before leaving UCR, I secured a three years follow up research program entitled ‘Rockefeller Foundation Biotechnology Career Fellowship-1990-93’.
- Lecturer, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (March 1977 to March 1983): Taught undergraduate courses, skill development courses and worked as University Farm Manager.
Administrative Experience
(About 8 years in top management)
- Member, Steering Committee for Establishment of new universities (2012)
- Member, Punjab Curriculum Authority (2012)
- Member, Punjab Statistical Authority (2012)
- Member, Pakistan Innovation Board (2011)
- Member, Research Advisory Committee, IFPRI/Planning Commission of Pakistan (2011)
- Chairman-Planning Commission Committee on Postharvest Marketing (2009)
- Member-Planning Commission Committee on Education (2009)
- Member National Quality assurance committee/HEC (2008-present)
- UNESCO IHP Indus Basin Coordinator (2008-2013)
- Member-Punjab Agriculture Research Board (2008-present)
- Member Syndicate/Senate/Selection Boards of seven universities (2008-present)
- Member Prime Minster’s Task Force on Agriculture and Food Security (2008-09)
- Chief Scientist/Director NIAB/Director General (Agriculture and Biotechnology), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (2005-07)
- Elected/Nominated Member of University Syndicate (1994-95, 2006)
- Founder/Director, Center for Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotechnology (1996-97) & (2008-to present)
- Director, Agricultural Experiment Station/Assistant Dean, SQU-Muscat (1999-2000)
- Founder/Officer Incharge, Plant Tissue Culture Cell (1989-1997)
- Officer Incharge, Fruit Plant Nursery Project (1990-1997)
- Experimental Farm Manager (1977-1983)
- Ph.D University of California, Riverside, USA-1988 (Honor Rolls), Sigma Xi
- MS, University of California, Riverside, USA-1984, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Beta Kappa
- M.Sc (Hons), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan-1976 (Distinction)
- B.Sc (Hons), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan-1974 (Distinction)
- Two Weeks Leadership Development in Higher Education-British Council (2009)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in cell biology, University of California, Riverside, USA (1988)
- Rockefeller Foundation Biotechnology Career Fellowship, University of California, Riverside, (1990-1993)
- Visiting Fellow, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (1996)
- DAAD Fellowship in tropical agriculture, University of Kassel, Germany (2001)
- Summer Visiting Professorships in citrus genetics and breeding, University of Florida-Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred (2000-2005)
University Linkage Programs
- UAF/Charles Stuart University-Australia (2008-present)
- ICDD of UAF/University of Kassel-Germany (2009-present)
- UAF/University of California, Riverside-USA under Pak-US collaboration (2008-present)
- UAF/Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat (SQU), active MOU (2003-present)
- SQU/University of Florida, USA (2000-2005)
- NIAB/University of Kassel, Germany (MOU in 2006)
- Worked/taught at 7 universities (6 abroad for >15 years)
- Professional visits to >80 universities and R&D organizations in 30 countries
- Worked with academics from >50 countries
Other Services
- Founder/Focal Person, UAF/SQU (Pak-Oman) Linkage Program (2007-)
- Member, Federal Agriculture Committee (2006-07)
- Member, Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (2006-07)
- National Mango Coordinator-MINFAL (2006-)
- Developed and taught more than 15 university courses in agriculture and biotechnology
- Elected Member, University Syndicate (1994-95)
- Elected Member, University Senate (1980-83)
- Project Leader for more than 30 research and development projects
- Referee to several international scientific journals
- Chairman, National Steering Committee, GEF-UNEP-ILRI FAnGR ASIA Project-2011-2014 (Livestock Genetic Resource Program, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya).
- Member, International Board of Studies/Management, ICDD-University of Kassel, Germany-A DAAD Program (2009-20014)
- World Mango Encyclopedia, Dewan of Royal Courts, Muscat, Oman (2010-2011)
- Convenor, Assessment of Hybrid Bt Cotton seed program in Pakistan. Planning Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad (2010)
- Technical expert- Islamic Development Network/Islamic Development Bank
- Irrigation water use efficiency survey in Punjab, Planning Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad (2009-2010)
- Member of selection boards, member of board of studies, technical committees, and recruitment committees (PAEC, UAF, SQU, BZU, Gomal, AJK, PSF, PARC, MINFAL)
- Worked on projects funded by COMSTECH, UNESCO, FAO, JICA, World Bank, US-NSF, USDA, US-universities, French International Collaborations, DFG (German Science Foundation), ACIAR/Australian Universities
- Technical expert/reviewer- Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
R&D Project Management/Output
M.Sc/PhD Students/Visiting Scientists/Staff Supervision >100 Research and Development Projects/Funding > 30 Research and Scholarly Work (publications, invited lectures) ~300 International Conferences Organized 12 Key Note/Invited Speaker >40
International Research Collaborations/MTAs 9
International Study Tours and Expeditions 13 Editorial Work 2 books (in USA/UK) and 6 proceedings (in Pakistan/ Oman) Cultivars/Varieties Released 3 Germplasm Accessions Developed >20 Impact Factor >60 Countries Visited 35
Professional Memberships (Past and Present)
Executive, International Society for Citriculture (USA) since 1992; Member, International Organization of Citrus Virologists (USA), International Society for Horticultural Science (Belgium), European Association for Potato Research (Netherlands), Florida State Horticultural Society, Botanical Society of Pakistan, Pakistan Association for Advancement of Sciences, Punjab Cooperative Fruit Development Board, Farmers Association of Pakistan, Soil Science Society of Pakistan, Pakistan Phytopathological Society, American Society for Horticultural Science, Botanical Society of America, American Association for Advancement of Sciences-Pacific Division, Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative, Apomixis Research Group, CYMMIT(Mexico). Islamic Development Network/IDB, Human Development and Capability Association/HDCA, Civic Bodies (USA, Oman, Pakistan), Life Member-Pakistan Botanical Society.
Community Service/Social Work
- Chief Organizer, Biennial University Festivals/Horse and Cattle Show
- Established University Community College
- Chairman Laboratory School (grade 1-12) System with 4000 kids enrolled
- Founder Member Faisalabad Development Forum
- Director FESCO Board (Faisalabad Electric Supply Company)
- Member, Lyallpur Museum Committee
- Advisor Land Management for Danish Schools System
- Member, Track II Diplomacy on trans-boundary waters (Stimson Center)
- Advisor to SDPI (Sustainable Development Policy Institute, an NGO)
- Team Manager Pakistan, Asian Beach Games, Muscat Oman (December 2010)
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